To the Bedford Eye Care Team,
I remember being 16 years old and walking into the Bedford Eye Care Centre. My senses at the time didn’t pick up specifics… just general faces, people’s voices and another optometrist. After a few normal appointments (and years) I switched over to Dr. Avila Cox. I was taken aback by her subtle quiet manner that made me feel comfortable as a patient. Without a lecture like a dentist, she quietly but subtly reminded me of proper eye care and how it was important for my well being. Perhaps a bizarre thing to say but I’ve been wearing glasses my whole life and she by far was the first people to ever make me feel proud to wear them!
The years go by, life happens and at 25 years of age I make the decision to travel across Canada. It was a breathtaking adventure with experiences and joys that every Canadian would be proud of. Through this journey I discovered the capital city of Ottawa. Beautiful, clean, economically sound and so much more to offer, I made the decision to be move there.
I have spent the last 5 years of my life in Ottawa. I have made a few trips back to Bedford but always for occasions like Christmas or a family graduation. In the recent months I had noticed that there was a change in my eye sight. The thought of hunting down another optometrist gave me a sick feeling. I’m not a big fan of any type of doctor, dentist or optometrist. I put it off for months. A recent trip back to Bedford due to a family emergency gave me a one day window. I arrived in to town on Tuesday, had to fly elsewhere for Wed and Thursday and was headed back to Ottawa Saturday. I had Friday free that was it. When I arrived on Tuesday I decided to pick up the phone. Weirdly enough I still knew the number. I called and simply asked “Hi, I have a weird question… I moved to Ottawa 5 years ago and I am wondering if there was any way I could get an appointment on Friday.” The lady that answered the phone pleasantly took my name and confirmed that I was with Dr. Cox and that it was no problem to get an appointment Friday morning.
June 17th, 2011 - I am 30 years old; I opened the door to the Bedford Eye Care Centre. I pleasantly smiled and recognized the face smiling back at me. Forgive me for not remembering her name - but I know her face, and she would know who she is - greeting the customers. I looked over in the middle chair (behind the counter) and also recognized the face sitting there. I made a comment to the ladies that it was funny that I hadn’t been there in probably 6 years or more but the faces hadn’t changed. That said something good about where they worked and the dedication they had. After some paperwork and a few more smiles it was my ticket in. Two fabulous ladies helped me through 2 of the main exams. Again pardon me for not remembering your names; I know you both took the time to introduce yourselves to me. Both of you ladies made my tests relaxing and almost pleasurable. I enjoyed being there and believe you me you both made an impact on me. Then in walks Dr. Cox. Once again I really had a good time at my appointment. Just an extremely comfortable atmosphere that relaxed me and made my appointment enjoyable. Understanding my eyes and what I need to do to protect them are again the focus of my time with Dr. Cox and let me tell you I made that first leap for the first time by purchasing myself a pair of prescription sunglasses….My whole life I thought that buying glasses from the optometrist was so overpriced. I didn’t see any value and by passed that section every time before. This time I even had a solid excuse… I didn’t live here. I had a plane to catch in the morning. Dr. Cox has said it was possible for sunglasses to be mailed to me. My scapegoat is now gone.
Enter Judy.
Judy I don’t know how much time we spent together, maybe an hour - I think it was definitely around 30 to 45 minutes - either way it didn’t matter. My time with you was awesome. Through your own experience and stories of your husband :) which I know you haven’t told him you tell, it really encouraged me to buy a pair from someone that spoke from experience and satisfaction. The option to have my glasses mailed to me was suitable. Through trial and tribulation Judy nailed a nice set of Nike sunglasses for me. She walked me through picking out the frames, deciding on tint and polarization - I was shocked that she was willing to spend that much time with a client. After phone calls to the Alberta lab over what could be done I was sold on the Nike sunglasses. I declined on the polarization due to cost but was super excited about owning my first pair of prescription sunglasses. Judy then takes me over to the counter. She again confirms my order and reminds me it will be a few weeks. After ringing through my appointment and my glasses I left the Bedford Eye Care almost speechless. I’m back in Ottawa now and I haven’t stopped talking about the customer service I got from your wonderful team. The decision to keep my eye doctor in a different province is simple. The team is a cut above the rest.
Since departing Bedford I had received a message from Judy indicating that after I had left, the Alberta lab informed her in order to do my glasses they had to polarize them, but she wasn’t going to charge me. I couldn’t believe the good news. I appreciate the very kind gesture as I am aware the fundamentals of business and understand giving items away for free does not keep you in business. It was an excellent customer service decision and just made me very happy and even more excited. The next business day I received my sunglasses in the mail and let me tell you I am beyond happy. I don’t squint anymore while I’m riding my bike in the sun. Weekends at the cottage and my day at the water park have been experiences that are almost new again as for the first time I can see at the same time as wearing proper sunglasses.
Since the day I have gotten these sunglasses I have been ecstatic about them. I love my bike ride that much more and even a simple beer in the back yard on in the summer is now different. I can’t say thank you enough. Every penny I spent at the Bedford Eye Care Centre Team was a proud penny spent. Thank you to the whole team for your outstanding customer service, your infinite wisdom, knowledge and experiences. I honestly and truly am shocked by the level of service you have provided on all levels. The whole team, from answering the phones, greeting at the door, testing, selling glasses - WOW! I’m not sure what your secret is but I know the rest of the customer service world would use it. My only regret… Not buying my regular every day glasses there.
Thank you for your fantastic work,
Stacey Paul
P.S. Judy I also got your thank you card in the mail today. Again words can’t say enough about your fantastic service.
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